Harsh title right? That’s because it is a harsh reality. Releasing balloons as a memorial might seem like a touching and symbolic gesture, but there are several environmental and ethical concerns associated with this practice. But really if you wouldn’t just throw an empty balloon on the ground in the middle of a park (and if you would, then stop!), why is it OK to let it fly away and land who knows where doing who knows what damage?

  1. Environmental Impact: When balloons are released into the air, they eventually come down as litter/trash/garbage/rubbish. The remnants of these balloons can end up in oceans, rivers, forests, and other natural environments. Wildlife can mistake balloon pieces for food, leading to ingestion and potential harm or even death.
  2. Horses, Livestock, Marine Life, and Wildlife: Balloon debris can pose a significant threat to marine life and wildlife. Animals can ingest or become entangled in balloon fragments, causing injuries, choking, and even death. Do you want to be responsible for killing something?
  3. Non-Biodegradable Materials: Most balloons are made from synthetic materials that do not biodegrade quickly. This means that the balloon fragments can persist in the environment for a long time, contributing to pollution.
  4. Aesthetic Pollution: Balloon releases can contribute to aesthetic pollution, making landscapes and natural areas look unsightly due to the presence of balloon litter.
  5. Air Traffic, Avian Traffic, and Environment: Released balloons can pose a hazard to air traffic, as they might interfere with aircraft operations. They can also cause damage and death to birds in flight. Additionally, balloon releases can contribute to air pollution when balloons burst and release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
  6. Promotion of Harmful Behavior: Releasing balloons might inadvertently promote the idea that it’s acceptable to release non-biodegradable items into the environment. This can contribute to a mindset that is not conducive to responsible waste management and environmental stewardship. You are literally teaching people that littering is OK.
  7. Alternatives: There are alternative ways to commemorate a person’s memory without causing harm to the environment. Planting a tree, creating a memorial garden, hanging a windchime, making a donation to a relevant cause, releasing live butterflies, or organizing a community service event are some thoughtful alternatives.

Given these concerns, we hope you will start promoting more environmentally friendly and sustainable ways to honor the memory of loved ones. It’s important to choose memorial practices that respect both the memory of the person and the health of our planet and future generations.

Author: Una

Una moved to Colorado in 2007 and started the Colorado Horse Forum as a way to meet other equestrians in the area. Una now rides and competes in dressage. She operates a small dressage horse breeding program in Castle Rock.

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