
Being around a barn, we are all familiar with the annoying insects that come along with our 4 legged friends. Did you know there are landscaping tips you can follow to help keep away bugs naturally?

Follow these steps to have a lovely looking facility and cut down on pesky insects. Your horse will thank you! (And so will everyone that visits your barn).

One: Manure Management.

Manure is a haven for flies and insects. If you have unmanaged manure, you will have an excess of bugs. If you can have your manure removed regularly that will help immensely. Or if you have a large enough property to spread your manure to dry out (away from your main buildings and arenas) that is also a great way to keep the flies at bay. If you cannot do either, you will want to look into other manure management menthods (such as fly predators). This is one of the most important things you can do for your property’s insect management.

Two: Standing Water.

Standing water attracts mosquitos and provides a breeding haven for them. Avoid standing water at all costs! If you have standing water inside your barn, use a broom to spread it around as often as possible. If you have standing water around the property you will want to dig drainage ditches so the water can dispurse instead of collect.

Three: Plants.

There are plants that can help deter bugs from making your property their home. Depending on your location and specific insect problems, the plants you wll want to use may vary. Use this list from Wikipedia as a guide though. It has tons of information that will help you plan your landscaping needs.

artemisiasrepels insects,[2] including ants, cabbage looper, cabbage maggot, carrot fly, codling moth, flea beetles, whiteflies, the Cabbage White, and the Small White, as well as mice[3]
basilrepels flies, including mosquitoes[2][4] the carrot fly, asparagus beetles and whiteflies[3]
boragerepels tomato hornworm and cabbage worms[2]
castor beanrepels moles[3]
catniprepels ants, flea beetles, aphids, the Japanese beetle, squash bugs, weevils,[2] the Colorado potato beetle, the cabbage looper,[3] and cockroaches.[4] May attract cats.
chamomilerepels flying insects[4]
chivesrepels carrot fly, Japanese beetle,[2] and aphids[3]
chrysanthemumsrepel roaches, ants, the Japanese beetle, ticks, silverfish, lice, fleas, bedbugs, and root-knot nematodes[2]
citronella grassrepels insects, may deter cats[5]
citrosarepels insects,[5] including mosquitoes[4] (Proven false by scientists)
cloversrepel aphids and wireworms[3]
common lantanarepels mosquitoes[1]
corianderrepels aphids, Colorado potato beetle, and spider mites[3]
cosmosrepel the corn earworm
crown imperialrepel rabbits, mice, moles, voles and ground squirrels[6]
dahliasrepel nematodes[2]
dillrepels aphids, squash bugs, spider mites,[2] the cabbage looper, and the Small White[3]
eucalyptusrepels aphids, the cabbage looper, and the Colorado potato beetle[3]
fennelrepels aphids, slugs, and snails[3]
fever tearepels mosquitoes[1]
four o’clocksattract and poison the Japanese beetle[2]
French marigoldrepels whiteflies, kills nematodes[2]
garlicrepels root maggots,[2] cabbage looper, Mexican bean beetle, peach tree borer, and rabbits[3]
geraniumsrepel leafhoppers, the corn earworm, and the Small White[3]
hyssoprepels the cabbage looper and the Small White[3]
larkspursrepel aphids[3]
lavenderrepels moths, scorpions, water scorpions, fleas, and flies, including mosquitoes[4]
leekrepels carrot fly[3]
lemon balmrepels mosquitoes[4]
lemon thymerepels mosquitoes[4]
lettucerepels carrot fly[3]
lime basilrepels mosquitoes[1]
Mexican marigoldrepels insects and rabbits[2]
myrrhrepels insects[5]
narcissusrepel moles[3]
nasturtiumsrepel squash bugs,[2] aphids, many beetles, and the cabbage looper[3]
onionrepels rabbits, the cabbage looper, and the Small White[3]
oreganorepellent to many pests[3]
parsleyrepels asparagus beetles[3]
peppermintrepels aphids, cabbage looper, flea beetles, squash bugs, whiteflies, and the Small White[3]
petuniasrepel aphids, tomato hornworm, asparagus beetles, leafhoppers,[2] and squash bugs[3]
pitcher plantstraps and ingests insects
radishrepels cabbage maggot and cucumber beetles[3]
rosemaryrepels cabbage looper, carrot fly, slugs, snails, and the Mexican bean beetle[3]
ruerepels cucumber and flea beetles
spearmintrepels fleas, moths, ants, beetles, rodents,[4] aphids, squash bugs, and the cabbage looper[3]
spiny amaranthrepels cutworms
stone rootrepels mosquitoes[5]
summer savoryrepels bean beetles[3]
tansyrepels ants, many beetles and flies, squash bugs, cutworms, Small White, and Cabbage White[3]
thymerepels cabbage looper, cabbage maggot, corn earworm, whiteflies, tomato hornworm, and Small White
tobaccorepels carrot fly and flea beetles[3]
tomatorepels asparagus beetles[3]
venus flytrapingests insects[4]

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