If you are anything like the majority of property owners in Colorado, you face the constant battle of keeping your grass healthy and the weeds at bay. Luckily we have some great resources available to us to help keep our property maintained and healthy.

First, be sure to check out the local Extension Office. This is a CSU Extension Program, which is dedicated to serving the current and future needs of Coloradans by providing educational information and programs that safeguard health, increase livelihood, and enhance well being. They have divisions dedicated to Agriculture, Animal Health, Drought, Emergency Resources, Small Acreage Management, and SO much more! If you reach out to them with specific concerns, they will help you through them and will even come do a property evaluation to really help get you on track!

The CSU Extension Office has also put together this great document covering a Grass Seeding Plan for Colorado Small Acreages, along with some other helpful articles on keeping your pasture healthy!

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