When you board at a facility, you can typically do group scheduling with a vet for spring/fall vaccines to save on the Farm Call fee. This can be a pretty significant savings VS if you had the vet out for just your horse. There are many things to keep in mind when scheduling visits like this though:

  1. Read the ENTIRE information and sign-up sheet and be sure to provide all info as requested.
  2. Have you ever used this vet before?
    • If so, still be sure to communicate with them exactly what you need done and make sure they have up to date contact and payment information for you.
    • If you have not, be sure to get the vet all important information BEFORE the appointment (at least a week before) such as your name, phone number, address, email, horse’s name, horse’s age, horse’s breed, horse’s use, any other pertinent info the vet might need.
  3. Will you be able to attend the appointment?
    • If you will be there, be on time and expect to be at the barn for a little while as they are seeing many horses and you might not get to go first. Remember, there is a significant cost savings benefit to you so please be patient.
      • If you will be late, let the vet know the time you can be there and make sure they can accommodate you, if they cannot then refer to the next piece of information in this list.
    • Make sure that if you cannot attend, that you have made other accomodations to get your horse handled. Do not assume that it will be taken care of for you, your horse is ultimately YOUR responsibility.
      • Partnering up with a friend at the barn that can help. They get this appointment and you get the next one (or return the favor in some other way). Or pay them for the fact they are taking their time to help you in a situation you otherwise could not take advantage of.
      • Ask if the barn staff is able to help, there is usually a fee for this. If there isn’t a fee, you will want to give $10+ to the person anyways as they are truly helping you out and saving you more than that by making sure you can participate in this group event.
      • See if the vet will have an assistant there to help. If they will, have your horse left in their stall for the day, or somewhere convenient for the vet to get to that is easy to find. Make sure the vet is comfortable finding your horse without you and is willing to do the work without you. This is not the best route to go if the vet has never seen your  horse before.

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