Delve into our blog articles to uncover essential horsecare tips specifically tailored to the dynamic environment of Colorado. From managing equine health in varying altitudes to addressing the challenges posed by seasonal changes, our content provides comprehensive guidance for horse owners looking to ensure the well-being and vitality of their beloved companions in the unique landscapes of Colorado.
A 17-year old quarter horse mare used for barrel racing was diagnosed with Equine Herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) in Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado. The mare is recovering from urinary incontinence and hindlimb ataxia. The premises with a total of 10 horses is quarantined with restricted movement and all horses having temperatures taken twice daily. As…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 8, 2017 Contacts: Christi Lightcap, (303) 869-9005, Christi.Lightcap@state.co.us Dr. Keith Roehr, (303) 869-9130, Keith.Roehr@state.co.us EIA-Positive Horse Identified In Colorado BROOMFIELD, Colo. – On May 4, 2017, the Colorado Department of Agriculture, State Veterinarian’s Office, was notified by the US Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) that a Weld County…
As you may (or may not) know, horses are measured in hands. And not everyone knows exactly what that means; we will clarify that for you. One hand = 4 inches. A “tall horse” to you does not mean it is 16+ hands. It could still very well be 15.1 hands. It’s important you actually…
Horses can most certainly eat bananas! However like humans, horses have their own taste palate, so some horses may not enjoy bananas. Not only do bananas offer a great treat alternative, they also provide a great source of potassium. Horses can even eat the banana peel.
We partnered with Foghorn Farm Donkey Training to bring you this informational article on donkeys! Donkeys are one of the most misunderstood domestic animals on the planet. Sure, they look like little horses with long ears, but they are actually a completely different species. Because horse people often decide to keep donkeys as pasture pals…
by N. Striegel1 Rabies in horses is caused by a virus of the Rhabdovirus family and causes a severe, rapidly progressive neurological disease. It is transmitted via saliva, most commonly through bite wounds from an infected wild animal bite. Symptoms can appear in as little time as two weeks but can take up to one…
Not all of us are lucky enough to own our own truck/trailer for trailering our horses where they need to go. So if you are not hiring a professional hauler and are instead using a friend to help you out; please be sure to compensate those friends fairly! You don’t want to cause frustration or…
The hoof is one of the most important parts of the horse, without a good hoof, we have no horse “no hoof, no horse”. So it is important to understand what comprises the hoof, as well as some potential issues you may face with your horse’s hooves.
Most of the year it is pretty easy to keep your horse drinking to stay healthy & hydrated, just provide clean water. But getting a horse to drink the approximate 10 gallons of water they need per day, during cold weather, can be quite a challenge at times. Not only is clean water important in…
The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has submitted a comment in response to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed amendments to the regulations that implement the Horse Protection Act. In its comment, the USEF seeks to partner with the USDA in the eradication of soring in equestrian sport. The USEF commends the USDA…
Una moved to Colorado in 2007 and started the Colorado Horse Forum as a way to meet other equestrians in the area. Una now rides and competes in dressage. She operates a small dressage horse breeding program in Castle Rock.